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Image by Olga Thelavart

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Home: Welcome
Image by Augustine Wong
Image by Chua Bing Quan

Welcome to Shop of Wonders! My name is Diana; I am a Christian wife, and mother with a passion for art and gift giving. I am the owner and creator of this small business. All products are either made with my hands, or specially handpicked from nonprofit organizations and local antique shops. I love creating unique and beautiful things, it reminds me how much more God is delighted in his creation. If you do not know, God loves you completely. He took his time with joy and celebration to create you (9 months for most). You can look at all the wonders of the world and see God's hands in it, from the vast seas, seasons, down to the smallest atom. All together we reveal his wonderful glory. Created in His image, He has blessed all of us with creative hands, innovative minds, and hearts that grow and change to do great works whether big and small.  I pray that as the world brings great trouble, your eyes and heart will be set on His goodness and truth through Jesus. That you are made aware of His love and perfect plans for you!  All that I do and create is from the grace of our Heavenly Father, I'm beyond grateful to be able to do what I love, and I hope that everything you see and buy is a reflection of this. If you have an questions about custom pieces of artwork or vintage items, please leave your information below in the "GET IN TOUCH" section. God Bless you and thank you for your time and business!

Mission Statement
Image by McKenna Phillips

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"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people."


 If no one has told you today: You are deeply loved and wonderfully made. God loves you and is always with you, waiting for you to accept and live in his love and grace through Jesus. I hope that while we are apart of this world, you discover who God truly is, and who He has truly called you to be; that you use your special gifts he has given you, to be a blessing to others. 


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