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Diana Cherry

Owner and Creator at Shop of Wonders


About Me:

Hello! Thank you for stopping by. I am a Christian, wife, and mother of two children, working my way to provide as an Artist and Vintage Curator. I find delight in trying new things, making new pieces for my home/style that are both timeless and unique.  If it's antique, artistic, and filled with love: I'm all for it.


Everyone has a story. With rises and falls, tough endings and new beginnings.  I find the best way to share Shop of Wonders beginning and commission, is to start where my old life ended.  I had this dream for Shop of Wonders over 5+ years ago. I've always loved expressing myself in an array of artistic ways. I sang and acted in school, made bath concoctions, and dabbled in most hobbies at home. But I always had this lingering doubt, this growing fear, that my time and works were worthless. I always had a hard time accomplishing and finishing things. I was afraid that if what I did was done, it wouldn't live up to these unrealistic expectations. So I gave up. Alot. 


I was diagnosed with Manic Depression at the age of 13 after a self-harming and erratic episode. I dealt with suicide attempts and a lot of inner demons in my teenage years. I truly felt my life was never going to amount to anything, and when things were good, they felt fleeting. I tried to start Shop of Wonders after high school, but the voices of doubt, fear, infirmity took over and I felt I once again failed. I suffered a lot in all aspects of life.  Mental illnesses and traumas were sadly woven into my life at an early age, as the same goes for my family. I felt stuck, I let the voices in my head and the actions of my past constantly determine my present and future. All until I found a relationship with God.


Now don't scurry off just yet, because this is where it gets good. So going back to when I first openly decided I wanted to start this business. I met failure, but I also met a new beginning. See I later found out I was pregnant, and for the first time ever, I realized I had to find a way to be a better version of myself. No matter if the voices said impossible, and my feet still stumbled. I had to find a way. You see God has a funny way of thickening a plot and character development... I always wanted better things, but not enough for myself.  So, when little Aurora (my first kiddo) came into the picture. I knew this growing soul was worth it. 


I met God in this hard time in my life. I truly needed any guidance. I needed hope for our future and peace in my heart and strength in my mind. I was broken and tormented, I cried out desperately for these things and if you know God. He sure did deliver. I went to Church, and found family within that prayed over me, and a Pastor that humbly and lovingly preaches Jesus and God's truth.  As I learned and leaned more into God, he began to change me within.  My suicidal thoughts and tendencies left me, and for the first time ever I realized Jesus truly does save. I am by God's grace, free from the things I once thought would forever control me. I still have struggles, like we all will have. But I know these struggles are here to help me grow.


So fast forward to a year ago. I began thinking about Shop of Wonders again. (I didn't forget where we were going with this... haha!) I prayed for big and little things on this topic. For self-discipline, ideas, confirmation, even a sign if this was good idea! I knew no matter which way I went, I wanted it to be God's desire and will for me. So, I took a leap of faith and launched my official site during the winter. It was one of the hardest and rewarding things I've done. But after the holidays were over, I realized this Shop was missing its true origin and mission statement.


Shop of Wonders is not only a workshop for eclectic products, but a reminder to anyone reading this that you are so, so loved my new friend. Your past, and even present circumstances do not define you, only the one that created you and He has deemed you worthy of eternity with him in a perfect kingdom!  It took God 7 days to create the vast world we know, yet 9 (give or take) months to create the beautiful, intricate soul that you are. You are not here by mistake, and all of your past, pains, and struggles are a perfect testimony to what God has in store for you.  


So even if you're just here to browse, I hope you at least receive the desire to know God and learn the truth of our God that puts all things in awe and wonder. Bless you and know everything you receive here has been prayed over! So, if you have something dear to your heart that you'd like a prayer over leave it in the notes before checking out or leave it in the "Get in Touch" section on the Home Page. Thanks for Checking out Shop of Wonders!!


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